Important note: Recruitment is currently closed.
The first step for you to apply is to register and log in to our forum.
(You will also need to be logged in to monitor your application for a reply.)
Once you have registered you will be able to make a New Topic for your application in the
Applications Sub Forum
the subject of your topic should be your “Name-Spec-Class”
for example: Vincentia Discipline/Shadow Priest
(please include Realm if from another Realm).
Your application can be viewed only by registered forum users, but if you’d like to submit an application even more privately, you’re welcome to use the forum to send it via pm to Vincentia, instead of posting it.
Use the following application template and please write in a readable way and comprehensible English.
You can bold, space, and underline as you wish, the easier it is to read the better.
Please make sure that you have read on our Recruitment page what we expect from you and that you agree with everything.
- First Name:
- Age:
- Gender:
- Country:
- Link to your armory: (pref. logged out in PvE gear)
- Screenshot(s) of your current Ui in an in-combat raiding environment: (you may want to include a short explanation of your preferred settings/add ons).
- Show us a screenshot of your speedtest based on Frankfurt, DE.
- Can you play Wednesday-Thursday-Sunday-Monday, 20:00-00:00? (Our new raiding schedule for Warlords.)
- Do you have a working microphone and are you able to use TeamSpeak 3?
- What is your previous raiding experience? (Progression in older tiers/important kills.)
- Please list your previous guilds and very briefly your reasons for leaving them.
- Have you ever quit raiding for an extended period of time?
- Please provide links to your recent World of Logs reports or Warcraft Logs reports.
(Applications without logs will more often than not be disregarded, unless you’ve been on a break from raiding.) - Do you have the ability to play your off spec at a competitive level in a raiding environment?
- Any important alts you currently raid with or have raided with in the past?
- Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself? An interesting read makes for an interesting person.